Recipe 4 All: Albondigas Soup Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Albondigas Soup Recipe

Albondigas Soup

Yield: 5 Servings
3qt Regular-strength beef broth
1lg Can (28 oz.) crushed
1lg Can (7 oz.) diced green
1lg (about ½-lb.) onion,
teaspoon Crumbled dried basil leaves
teaspoon Crumbled dried oregano
½  To 1 tsp. liquid hot pepper
½cups Long-grain white rice
  Meatballs (recipe follows)
½cups Minced fresh cilantro
  Cilantro sprigs (optional)
  Salt and pepper
  In a 6- to 8-quart pan,
  Liquid, chiles, onion,
  Seasoning to taste. Bring
  Add rice; cover and simmer
  Cover and simmer until
  Center (cut to test), 10 to
  In the minced cilantro.
  Ladle into bowls and garnish
  Salt and pepper to taste.
12  Servings.

MEATBALLS: In a large bowl, mix together until well blended 1 pound GROUND LEAN BEEF; 1/3 pound BULK PORK SAUSAGE; ½ cup CORNMEAL; ¼ cup MILK; 1 large EGG; 1 small (about 6 oz.) ONION, minced; 1 clove GARLIC, pressed or minced; and ½ teaspoon crumbled DRIED BASIL LEAVES.

Shape the mixture into about ¾-inch balls. If making ahead, return the meatballs to bowl, cover, and chill up to 4 hours.

FROM: Sunset Best of the West, Spring/Summer 1993 Originally Posted on GEnie by: Debbie Applebury (J.APPLEBURY)

Your Albondigas Soup is ready. Bon appetit!

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