Recipe 4 All: Ant Hill Cake Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Ant Hill Cake Recipe

Ant Hill Cake

Yield: 12 servings
1  kg shortbread
1cups raisins
1cups walnut
1cups condensed milk with sugar (boiled for 2 h)
2package butter

Raisins fill in with boiled water, to close a cover and to leave on 30 minutes, then to merge. Nuts finely to cut. Mix condensed milk with sugar (boiled for 2 h) with butter and shake up a mixer that the cream (should be the homogeneous weight of light brown color - the main thing that does not remain slices of butter) has turned out.

Shortbread break on fine slices (break - a meat grinder, a blender will not approach), mix with raisins, nuts and fill with a cream. Well mix in a bowl or a salad dish in the form of an ant hill (a high narrow hill) and to leave at a room temperature at 5-6 o'clock (it is possible more) that has become impregnated.

Your Ant Hill Cake is ready. Happy cooking!

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