Recipe 4 All: Banana Cookie Ice Cream Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Banana Cookie Ice Cream Recipe

Banana Cookie Ice Cream

Yield: 8 Servings
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2  Bananas, ripe; peel, mashed
10  Chocolate sandwich cookies;
1qt Vanilla ice cream
¼cups Chocolate syrup
  Additional chocolate syrup
  Banana slices
  Maraschino cherries

Fold bananas and cookies into ice cream in large bowl. Pour into an 8" square pan. Drizzle with chocolate syrup. Run knife through mix to make swirls. Cover; freeze until firm. To serve, scoop into sundae glasses. Top with additional chocolate sauce, banana slices and maraschino cherries.

Your Banana Cookie Ice Cream is ready. Buon appetito!

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