Recipe 4 All: Basic Crust Ii Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Basic Crust Ii Recipe

Basic Crust Ii

Yield: 1 Pie
2  3-oz. pks. Philadelphia
  Cream cheese
¼cups Softened butter
2tablespoon Heavy cream
cups Flour
¼teaspoon Salt

Beat the cream cheese and butter together in an electric mixer two minutes. Gradually add the flour and salt and combine thoroughly. Form the dough into a ball and wrap in wax paper. Chill at least one hour before rolling out.

ROLLING AND PRE-BAKING: It is easiest to roll this dough between two sheets of wax papper. Place a large sheet of wax paper on a board and place the ball of dough on top. Flatten it slightly and place another sheet of wax paper on topp of the dough. Roll the dough as you would for Basic Crust I, lifting the wax paper from time to time to keep it smooth. Fit the pastry iinto your quiche or pie pan and pprebake as directed for Basic Crust I

Your Basic Crust Ii is ready. Good luck!

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