Recipe 4 All: Confit Rabbit Ragu Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Confit Rabbit Ragu Recipe

Confit Rabbit Ragu

Yield: 4 servings
1  Whole rabbit; skinned and
2tablespoon Oil
1tablespoon Butter
½md Onion; finely chopped
3lg Cloves garlic; chopped
¼cups Wine vinegar
1md Tomato; seeded and chopped
½teaspoon Salt & pepper to taste
3tablespoon Water

"It seems more American's are cooking with rabbit today, finding it inexpensive and much less fatty than most other meats."

In a deep skillet, heat 2 tb oil and butter. Put in the rabbit, cover and roast approximately 30 minutes.

When nicely browned, remove from skillet and add onion and garlic. Deglase the skillet with ¼ c vinegar. Add tomato, 3-4 tb water, salt & pepper to taste. Put the rabbit back into the skillet and simmer for a short time before serving.

Your Confit Rabbit Ragu is ready. Bon appetit!

Related recipes: Meats, French, Main dish

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