Recipe 4 All: Jean Pare's Granola Chips Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Jean Pare's Granola Chips Recipe

Jean Pare's Granola Chips

Yield: 84 Servings
  Preheat oven to 350
1cups Butter/marg; softened
¾cups Sugar
¾cups Brown sugar; packed
2  Eggs
1teaspoon Vanilla extract
cups Flour
2cups Granola (i like the kind
  With fruit added)
1cups Rolled oats
1teaspoon Baking powder
¼teaspoon Salt
1cups Raisins
1cups Semi-sweet chocolate chips

Cream butter and sugars together well. Beat in eggs one at a time. Add vani

Add remaining ingrediants (it works best if the are mixed together onto a greased

Options: substitute the chocolate chips for the same amount in dark chocol : Add candied cherries, sprinkles etc.

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Your Jean Pare's Granola Chips is ready. Buon appetito!

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