Recipe 4 All: Mini Monte Cristo Sandwiches Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Mini Monte Cristo Sandwiches Recipe

Mini Monte Cristo Sandwiches

Yield: 4 servings
2tablespoon Butter Or Margarine,Softened
2tablespoon Prepared Mustard
8  Slices White Bread
4oz (4 slices) Swiss or Fontina*
4oz (4 slices) Cooked Ham
3  Large Eggs
½cups Milk
1  Env. Golden Onion Soup Mix
¼cups Butter Or Margarine
* Use either type of cheese, but not both.

Blend 2 T butter with mustard; even spread on each bread slice. Equally top 4 bread slices with cheese and ham; top with remaining bread, buttered side down. Cut each sandwich into 4 triangles. Beat eggs, milk, and golden onion recipe soup mix until well blended. Dip sandwiches in egg mixture, coating well. In large skillet, melt ¼ C butter and cook sandwiches over medium heat, turning once, until golden. Makes about 16 mini sandwiches

Your Mini Monte Cristo Sandwiches is ready. Good luck!

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