Recipe 4 All: PUMPKIN ROLLS Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: PUMPKIN ROLLS Recipe


Yield: 24 servings
1package Active dry yeast
1cups Warm water (110 F)
1/3cups Honey
2tablespoon Margarine
1teaspoon Salt
½cups Nonfat dry milk
1cups Canned pumpkin
  About 1.5 tb pumpkin spice
teaspoon Cinnamon
¾teaspoon Cloves
¾teaspoon Nutmeg
¾teaspoon Ginger
cups To 3 cups all purpose flour
cups To 2 cups whole wheat flour
  Nonstick vegetable spray

1. In a large bowl or food processor, dissolve yeast in water. Add honey, margarine, salt, dry milk, pumpkin, spices. Beat well to blend, then gradually beat in about 4 cups of the combined flours to make a stiff dough.

2. Turn dough out onto a floured board and knead until smooth about 15 to 20 min, adding flour as needed to prevent sticking.

3. Turn dough over in a bowl coated with nonstick spray, cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled (1½ - 2 hours) Punch down dough, knead briefly on a lightly floured board to release air.

4. Divide dough into 24 equal pieces. Shape each into a smooth ball and place balls in 2 greased 9-inch round baking pans coated with nonstick spray. Cover and let rise until almost double.

5. Bake in a preheated 375 F oven for 25 minutes or until browned. Cool on racks.

1 roll, 121 calories 3 g protein, 1 g fat, 24 g carbohydrate, .3 g fiber, 0 cholesterol, 103 mg sodium, 82 mg potassium Exchange: 1½ starch/bread

Your PUMPKIN ROLLS is ready. Happy cooking!

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