Recipe 4 All: Picnic Beef Bologna Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Picnic Beef Bologna Recipe

Picnic Beef Bologna

Yield: 1 batch
2lb Hamburger meat, extra lean
2tablespoon Morton's Tenderquick curing
½tablespoon Liquid Smoke
1/8teaspoon Garlic Powder
¼teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1cups Red Wine (or Water)

In a large bowl, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Chill 2 hours. Form into rolls, 6 inches long, and about 2 inches in diameter. Wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 24 hours.

Unwrap, place on a broiler pan rack. Bake in a 225 degree oven for 3 hours. Remove from oven. Pat with paper towels to remove excell fat. Cool slightly and wrap in foil. Refrigerate or freeze.

May be cooked in a smoker.

From: "Calf Fries to Caviar"

Your Picnic Beef Bologna is ready. Bon appetit!

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