Recipe 4 All: Pommes Caramel (Caramel Apples) Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Pommes Caramel (Caramel Apples) Recipe

Pommes Caramel (Caramel Apples)

Yield: 1 servings
1/3cups Butter
1cups Sugar; Brown pref.
1teaspoon Vanilla
6  Apples

Melt butter in fry pan and add sugar. Stir till sugar is dissolved or softened and everything is well blended, then add vanilla. Core unpeeled apples, cut them into quarters and add to hot sugar. Simmer uncovered over medium heat, basting often with the syrup for 15-20 minutes.

To quote the author, "Make these with the first fresh apples. In Quebec we use the first ripe Melbas. Served hot or cold, they are Benoit

Your Pommes Caramel (Caramel Apples) is ready. Bon appetit!

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