Recipe 4 All: Poor Man's Stroganoff Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Poor Man's Stroganoff Recipe

Poor Man's Stroganoff

Yield: 1 Or more se
1lb Lean ground beef
1sm Onion, finely diced
4oz Fresh mushrooms-quartered
1can Cream of mushroom soup
¼cups Dry white wine (subs chicken
  Broth or water)
4oz Sour cream
  Salt,pepper to taste

Heat a frying pan, and add beef. Stir to break the beef up into small bits, then add onions and mushrooms. Cook, stirring frequently, until the beef is done and the onions transparent.

Drain off any fat, add remaining ingredients, and simmer until flavors are well blended (about 30 minutes).

Serve over cooked noodles or rice.

NOTE: If omitting wine, I would add a generous shot of Worcestershire sauce to this recipe, just because...But I've made it either way and never had any leftovers.

Your Poor Man's Stroganoff is ready. Bon appetit!

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