Recipe 4 All: Roast Duck Stuffed with Apples and Grapes Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Roast Duck Stuffed with Apples and Grapes Recipe

Roast Duck Stuffed with Apples and Grapes

Yield: 4 Servings
1  Duck, 5½ pound, dressed
  Duck giblets
½lb Mushrooms, coarsely chopped
4  Greening apples, cored and
  Sliced, but not peeled
cups Seeded (or seedless) halved
  Sweet grapes
2cups Unblanched hazelnuts
1teaspoon Salt
  For basting:
2cups Apple cider

Cover the duck giblets with water in a small saucepan and simmer gently for ½ hour. Drain, reserving ½ cup of the giblet-cooking water. Chop the giblets for the stuffing. Mix the giblets and ½ cup giblet-cooking water with the stuffing ingredients. Remove any pinfeathers from the duck, and singe to remove any hairs. Stuff both neck and body cavities of the bird, skewer shut, and truss. Prick the skin of the duck well all over with a sharp fork. Wrap any remaining stuffing in aluminum foil. Place the duck, breast side up, on a rack in a large roasting pan. Place the foil-wrapped stuffing in the pan beside the bird. Place in a hot oven, 400F, and roast for 1 hour, pricking the skin of the duck with a fork and basting every 20 minutes with cider. Reduce oven temperature to moderate, 350F, and continue to roast for 2 hours more, pricking the duck and basting every 20 minutes with cider and drippings.

Anderson, Avon Books, New York, NY, 1965. From Loren Martin

Your Roast Duck Stuffed with Apples and Grapes is ready. Happy cooking!

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