Recipe 4 All: Short Ribs with Stewed Tomatoes Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Short Ribs with Stewed Tomatoes Recipe

Short Ribs with Stewed Tomatoes

Yield: 4 servings
4lb Beef rib short ribs
2tablespoon Cooking fat
½cups Onion; chopped
¼cups Green pepper; chopped
2lb Canned stewed tomatoes
1teaspoon Chili powder; to taste
  Hot fluffy rice; or
  Cooked noodles

1. In a Dutch oven, or large pan with tight-fitting cover, brown meat on all sides in fat. Season with salt and pepper and remove from pan. Pour off fat drippings.

2. Cook onion in drippings remaining in pan until soft but not browned; stir often.

3. Add green pepper, tomatoes, and chili powder. If desired, break up large tomato chunks with potato masher or fork.

4. Return meat to pan. Cover tightly and simmer for 1½ to 2 hours, or until done. (Or cook in a 325F oven for same amount of time.) Turn meat once to cook it evenly throughout.

5. Taste sauce and correct seasoning, if necessary, with salt and pepper.

6. Skim any excess fat from sauce.

7. Serve meat and sauce over rice or noodles.

From: The More Beef for Your Money Cookbook MMMMM Charrin' off the Ol' Point..from the O :-)

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